Thursday, August 21, 2014

Seven Deadly Sins Tag

Saruuh tagged me in the Seven Deadly Sins tag, woo!

1. Greed - what is your most inexpensive book?

I got a bunch of books for free in high school thanks to my book club. We held these massive used book sales, and our advisor would let us take a few home for free if we worked them. I always had a bag full at least.

2. Wrath - what author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Oooh, this is hard. The most recent issue I've had is probably with Ann Brashares, because the first four Sisterhood books are great, but the fifth one was super disappointing for me.

I guess I tend to really like the authors I read, because I'm blanking here right now, guys.

3. Gluttony - what book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

I'm pretty sure I've reread Princess Academy by Shannon Hale like every year since I got it back in middle school. And the Harry Potter books, of course. I usually don't purchase a book unless I like it enough that I would read it multiple times.

4. Sloth - what book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

When I was working on Les Mis, I definitely had to force myself to keep reading through some parts. Same for the LotR trilogy. I finished them both eventually, though!

5. Pride - what book do you most talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

Probably either Les Mis or some of the Shakespeare I've read? I try to read classics every so often so I sound like a good English major who doesn't just reread Anna and the French Kiss every month.

6. Lust - what attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

Guys, ever since I read Harry Potter way back when, my type has literally been Harry Potter. Dark messy hair, maybe not super tall, sarcastic, loyal, heroic, etc.

Cross-reference this with my celebrity/fictional crushes: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Daniel Radcliffe, Darren Criss, Nick Jonas, and Logan Lerman. We could probably chuck Robb Stark in there, too.

I have a problem, friends.

7. Envy - what book would you most like to receive as a gift?

Right now, maybe Percy Jackson's Greek Gods or e. lockhart's We Were Liars. I don't really have anything on my need-to-read list but things that haven't been released yet, so I'm in a bit of a lull currently.

Seeing as I know no other people who blog about books, I leave this open to anyone who may stumble across this post and want to do it too!


  1. I need to read We Were Liars, too! I was bullied into reading more contemp so that's the first on my list.

    1. I've heard nothing but good things about it, so I figure I probably should. I know I'm reading another book by her for my YA Lit class this semester, so maybe I'll wait til I finish that.
