Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Official About Me Post

So, uh...hi there!

I'm Jen, and I like to read, if you couldn't guess from my URL. (I'm also a Wolverine, if you couldn't guess from my URL.) People - aka my mother - have told me recently that I should start a book review blog, and since I have nothing much better to do, I decided to listen to my mother's advice for once and do so!

It'll hopefully be a decent mix of books that are new to me and rereads, since I won't always have the ability to get new material once I'm back at school, and I'll try to always include some positives, even if I really didn't like much about the book. I might also end up reviewing things I have to read as assignments, since I'm an English major and may as well get some enjoyment out of that, right?

I might even branch out and talk about Things That Are Not Books, too, if I'm feeling bold - maybe I'll talk about movie adaptations, since TFiOS is only a few days away (!!!). Or maybe even things entirely unrelated to books!

I can do a follow-up post with more of my actual likes and dislikes (both in life and specifically related to books) if anyone wants more details, and I filled out my Blogger profile with some basics, too.

Hope you'll stick around! ♥

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